Friday, July 10, 2015

Difference between Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela

Mohammad Rayyan
March 10, 2015
Mahatma Gandhi's ideas of Non-violence were influenced by Jainism belief and ideologies. Gandhi decided to stick to non-violence throughout his fight against the colonial rule and supervised the Indian masses to lead a non-violent struggle even when British Government introduced strict laws like Rowlatt act.   The Rowlatt Act enacted by the British Government in India after the first world war allowed government to imprison any person suspected of terrorism for two years without trial. Though Gandhi was critical of the Act, he organized Rowlatt Satyagraha where  all businesses were shutdown on April 6, 1919. The idea of Ahimsa was completely embedded in Gandhi's mind, however the chain of events in South Africa helped him develop the idea of Satyagraha. Gandhi did not opt to defy brutal laws by engaging in violence but relied on civil disobedience and truth to fight British Laws. Gandhi suspended the Satyagraha in March as it turned violent and led to death of British officials around the country in 1922. On 5 February 1922, large group of protesters turned violent at Chauri Chaura
and burned a police station. Gandhi felt that Indian people were ill-prepared to non-violently fight British Raj. Gandhi suspended his struggle and decided to educate people about Ahimsa. He gathered volunteers across the country to educate people about principles and inner significance of Satyagraha. Gandhi once wisely said" Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding".  This shows Gandhi found no other way to help India achieve Independence
    In contrast, Mandela used non-violence as a strategy to tackle the Apartheid system imposed by the South African government. His ideas of non-violence were not influenced by religion , but were fueled by racism and disunity spread by White Government in South Africa.  On May 1, 1950 , African workers joined a strike in Orlando despite the government's restrictions. But police started firing and 18 innocent Africans were killed as a result. Then, Mandela initiated a non-violent campaign as any attempts of violence would be crushed as government was more powerful. Mandela dealt with conditions of  prevailing  situation in South Africa and launched Non-cooperation at mass scale. Thousands of people across the country defied color-biased laws and went to jail. The defiance campaign was at it peak when Mandela was arrested on July 30, 1952. Mandela believed that when a man is denied freedom to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become out flaw. But as cruel policies of South African government continued and non-violence remained ineffective strategy, Mandela decided to resolve to armed struggle
Gandhi used non-violence to defy laws but  he hardly negotiations with British government to bring change to cruel system. Although Gandhi attended second round table conference where he presented memorandum to bring about change in Indian political system, he boycotted third round table conference in 1932. He was disappointed with second conference as it focused on Indian princes and minorities and thereafter signed no pacts with British government hereafter. Gandhi was not interested in negotiating with the British and considered  breaking laws non-violently as only way to sound the concerns of Indians. The viceroy called Gandhi on many occasions to negotiate and strike a deal, but Gandhi was not willing to accept the terms presented by British Government. In contrast, Mandela felt that only way to bring change to political system was to include South African government in the meetings rather than organizing meeting within ANC. Mandela believed that only way to fight Apartheid was to bring Government and African National Congress to same table and debate the issues between them.  Mandela believed that many problems were result of lack of communication between Government and ANC and some issues could be fixed with actual talks.  Mandela met President Botha in an attempt to bring political reforms and debated the issue of apartheid with Mr. de Klerk   
  The ideas of  Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were common as they fought colonial rule and their burden-some rules. Gandhi led a non-violence struggle against British. Even after mass massacre of people in Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919  Gandhi condemned the killing ,but did not engage in Violent activities. On 12 March 1930, Gandhi went on Salt March from SatyAshram , Ahmadabad to Dandi, Gujarat to engage in direct action against taxation of salt. The British Government enjoyed monopoly in Salt production as salt produced by Indians was taxed. Gandhi went to Dandi and broke the law without engaging in violence. Mandela also led defiance campaign against apartheid policy of South African government by instructing group of volunteers to break handful of laws by entering white only areas without permits, using facilities like white only toilets, railway compartments, waiting rooms and post offices. On June 26, 1952 , group entered railway stations through white only entrance and were arrested. About 8,500 people joined campaign, defied laws and were arrested  
  Gandhi was consistent in his use of non-violence. Even when, peasants were tricked by British government to pay heavy amount in order to get released from long term contract, he took the matter to court of Champaran and persistently criticized the law by engaging in non-violence.  In Champaran, peasants were tied to a long term contract by the British government to grow opium on 15 % of land. However, when cheap artificial opium was developed in Germany, peasants were asked to pay money in order to get released from contract. Many willing paid as opium degraded quality of soil. However, when news of artificial opium came into ears of poor peasants, they wanted their money back. Gandhi led a legal battle in Champaran and forced government to refund the poor farmer's money. Gandhi used non-violence as a powerful weapon throughout his fight against colonialism. Gandhi employed Non-violence despite its effect on Britishers. He engaged Non-violence unaffected by outcome. In 1920s, Gandhi's idea of Non-violence was unchartered by Majority of people in India . Even then he said " You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty

However, Mandela used non-violence until it was effective . Even after multitude of rallies and campaigns to protect Sophiatown, government trucks started moving families to Meadowlands turning non-violent resistance ineffective. As non-violence and peaceful protest  was met by violence and brutal laws flourished, Mandela decided to resolve to armed struggle to fight Apartheid.  Mandela sent Walter to the People's Republic of China to explore chances of helping ANC in armed struggle by supplying weapons. Mandela received six months of training in Addis Ababa where he learnt art and science of soldiering  He also learnt how to create guerilla force, command an army and enforce discipline. Mandela suspended talks with Nationalist Party in 1992 as Police engaged in killing of ANC supporters and considered negotiating ineffective until opposition reacts  non-violently. Therefore, the idea of Non-violence   always remained as a preference rather than a necessity to Mandela as he used it as long as it was effective. So, Mandela's ideas and views on Non-violence  oscillated around the altering conditions that prevailed in South Africa.

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